Book 13 – How To Be a Woman (Caitlin Moran)

Until reading this book I did not know much about Caitlin Moran. Moran is a journalist, author and strident feminist and shes absolutely amazing! After reading this book I immediately binge-watched everything on youtube I could possibly find and became and immediate fan.

‘How to be a Woman’ is a sort of memoir discussing the many issues facing young girls and women and our journeys of self discovery. Moran is a brilliant writer – I couldn’t help myself from laughing out loud or fiercely nodding along with many statements.

The book starts with her 13th birthday and the many wishes, or changes she wants to make. I think every girl can relate with this when remembering their own times of puberty. We are then taken on a journey as Moran grows up into a woman. From first periods, pubes, weight, weddings, babies and even abortions – no subject is taboo. The book is refreshing and brutally honest in a way that I wish all women would be.

Moran urges women to be ‘strident feminists’ and I would like to second her. The whole chapter on feminism and many of the other comments or musings were just on point for me. She said everything that I think on a daily basis and I would recommend every single female to read this book!

One of my favourite chapters is ‘I Get Married’. As a very soon to be bride this chapter was such a sense of comfort to me. I’m not very naturally bridal due to a childhood of divorce and have been a rather chilled out bride, which has seemed to bother or unnerve many women I speak to. Reading this chapter made me feel less alone in the current wedding world I live in right now.
